"Share all of who you truly are and free yourself of any wrong identities!"
Joya works as an expert Transformational Teacher, Mentor, Author, and Self-Love Activist. She has created and produced international events, workshops and retreats for more than 25 years. As a healing facilitator and an intuitive guide she helps women connect to their heart, true power and wisdom.
Joya supports women who have created external success to transform a health issue, trauma, frustration, burn out, lack of fulfillment and sadness keeping them from experiencing holistic success and living fulfilled, joyful, authentic lives.
Her Mermaid Magic Method empowers clients to discover their unique talents, voice their visions and express their purpose. She gently guides women to feel in order to heal. She helps them to blossom by integrating self-love and softness practices into their lives.
Her story of facing 17 years of Dark Night of the Soul which also included sexual abuse, miscarriages, divorce, a wildfire and a near-death experience, is touching. Her own inner healing journey to find her self-worth and true power has inspired her to share it with others. Joya has a unique ability to blend courage with vulnerability.
As a long-time entrepreneur, actress, producer, and radio host she initiated many cooperations and collaborations with German Filmfunds (NRW, FFF, FFA), IFS (Intl Film School Cologne) und German Networks (SAT1). She loves to bring magic, lightness, and playfulness to her experiential LIVE events.
As a writer, she published the book: “Close-up: Filmschauspiel” and “Lueza” in Querschnitt. In 2006 she walked the 777 km long “Camino de Santiago de Compostela” in 34 days in Spain. She experienced a wildfire that burned everything. Her Near-Death Experience in 2018 offered a profound connection to her spiritual essence. More books about her life initiations are in the making.
Joya has been a meditation practitioner for 30 years and involved in the ‘Healing Arts’ for more than 25 years. In 1989 she experienced her first spiritual awakening in the ‘City of Angels’, Los Angeles and India and has been on numerous pilgrimages around the world.
She is deeply inspired by the ways of the Great Goddess energy, which she calls the ‘Feminine Principle’ which nurtures and nourishes all of us. Thus, she invites women to embrace their sacred and divine feminine essence and men to connect with their vulnerability and compassion. She wishes to contribute bringing balance to this wacko world.
Women Uplift | My Own Story
“I love women!” I adore their beauty and grace. I honor their ability to nurture, nourish, be receptive and see the big picture. I admire the gift of intuition and heart-centered knowing. I love sisterhood, especially when women see, hear and encourage each other. I bless their gift to feel deeply and so much. I love women’s openness for growth, family and community.
“I love being a woman!” I have run the first chapter of my life with so much male energy. I looked very feminine, yet inside of myself I was hard. Hard on myself and my body constantly tense. It made me unhappy and eventually sick. I had to learn embodying the Feminine from scratch as life kicked my ass. 17 years of a ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ continuously taught me how to live with change and letting go. It included sexual abuse; the loss of my company, tribe and best friend; a tumor; 2 miscarriages and a divorce; surrender to a wildfire burning my home, workshop space, office and all I owned and an operation I never ever wanted to have. Today I am proud of all these initiations because it taught me to find the gifts in loss and transformation. It guided me back to my heart, to softness, gentleness and deep joy.
“Joya is an amazing facilitator. I experienced a re-emergence of myself. For the first time after leaving a workshop I feel that I have tools to take with me. I leave behind so many old destructive patterns, old energies, and are filled with a lightness and eagerness for life. I am so grateful to Joya for her exuberance and persistance that is not at all invasive, but welcoming!” – Patrice C., Electrician | Single Mother of 4
Education and Trainings
- Year Training | Business Coach VBM | Ryan Eliason
- Online Marketing Training VBS | Ryan Eliason
- Business Training | Women Rocking Business | Sage Lavine
- Certified CTA Coach | Gordon Clay & Shauna Wilson Mora
- Systemic Work | Family Constellation by Bert Hellinger | Heinz Stark & Margot Ridler
- Council Trainings 1-5 | Council Trainer | Ojai Foundation
- Yoga Trainings (Baron Baptiste|Saul David Raye|Shiva Rea|Max Strom)
- Meditation | Meditationslehrer (Raja Yoga, Kriya Yoga)
- Life & Transformation Coach
- Film Acting Trainings, UCLA Los Angeles, USA
- Screen-Writing, UCLA and AFI
- Writing & Journalism, UCLA
- Lee Strasberg Institute, Ausbildung zum Method Actor, New York, USA
- Shakespeare Theater at the Folger, Shakesspeare Training, Washington DC, USA
- Private Schauspielausbildung München
- LMU München
Metaphysical and Healing Arts Studies
- Reiki Master
- Quantum Light Breathwork by Jeru Kabbal
- Shamanic Training and Journeys
- Meditation Studies (Raja and Kriya Yoga)
- Hatha Yoga, Flow Yoga, Yin Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga
- Bio-Decoding ~ New German Medicine by Gerd R. Hamer
- InterDimensional Healing Methods (Nell Arnaud)
- Healing the FatherWound & MotherWound (Gordon Clay and Shauna Wilson)
- Tantra Trainings (LET 1/2/3), SkyDancing Tantra by Margot Anand (Steve&Lokita Carter)
- Wise Woman | Goddess Archetypes Training (Dr. Jean Sinoda Bolen)
- Feminine Leadership Studies (Dr. Claire Zammit, Dr. Jean Houston, Barbara Marx Hubbard)
- Writing Workshops (Tom Schlesinger, Bruce Gelford, Anne Randolph, Clive Watson)
- Change, Loss & Transformation
- Crisis & Fear Management
- Strategies for Self-Confidence and Self-Love
- I am Enough Embodiment Tools
- Feel to Heal, Shift to Uplift Method
- Conflict Resolution
- Communication and Negotiation Skills
- Resource Processes
- Belief and Pattern Transformation
- Systemic Therapy and Consultation
- Supervision